Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"Paper or plastic?"
"Need any help?"
Saying these tedious words, with a forged smile on your face
Just to reward yourself at the end of the week with the latest pair of Jordans,
You may not be the first with them but you refuse to be the last
Bartering precious, irreplaceable moments of your life
For an item whose longevity, is directly correlated to how long before they crease

A government which is said to be... "By the people for the people"
Dictating to those same people
That their breaths are expendable,
That at the absolute bare minimum their existence is going at an hourly rate of $7.15

Frowned upon by many nations
Seen as superficial & materialistic
People looking with disdain at a society where
Production costs..... NOMINAL
For an item whose life span will reach nowhere near your footprints on this earth,
Yet the cost of this same items appeasement of your desire, will cost you exponentially more

Spending hours a day
Somewhere more likely than not you despise to be
But if we are to survive in this our one life to live
Must continue to waste our lives away at daily

A fact that is beyond disheartening
But makes you want to stop your heart
Remove it form your chest
And hand it over to "them"
To end this disgusting cycle

How should one feel about oneself
When sugary treats equate to a tenth of of our hourly worth
But we're not even a hundredth of a PRADA bag
Are you nor I not more precious than a bag that's duplicable

Willful ignorance being surrender...
If you seek no more from "them"
You're just giving up & slaving for "them"
I ask you what are you worth?

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