Thursday, September 11, 2008

*~PRoMiSCuouS TeaRs~*

Sittin across from you, I watch as the grimace which so desperately wants to be portrayed on your face, is surpressed, with a vigorous energy, as tears trail its sihlouette.I sit here thinking as one of God's greatest creations, "WOMAN", I can not let this be. As your conscious mind dwells on past mistakes & recent heartbreaks, I deliver you the hiatus, that relieves you momentarily from your grim reality. Eyes swollen from the salt showers escaping you, I offer you my sleeve as your salty depository. Past Promiscuous rendevous, now have you questioning the worth of you, or if at all you' re even worth? But I can't let you doubt it, you are a profound being, even if in no one else's eyes but your own. Realize it....Accept it..... & you'll defeat it... If my eyes were yours for the borrowing you'd see the rose born of concrete, you are in my reality. Let go of those past infidelities & renew your reality. For your tears need not be here anymore. You are your past, present & future. Every moment of your present, fading to become your past. Live every now as if it's your future!!! Promiscuous tears you shall shed no more.....

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