Monday, October 20, 2008

*~PRiDe's CRy~*

Your Life Out of... SHE is walking
"That's Ok...I don't need you...I'd be better off
without you."
But "you", which is "SHE", is what you bleed, breath &
Facading a head held high.. to mask a heart hung low
One foot leading the way for the other walking
Internally trying to use telepathy
To cry out....
Reach out...
to SHE
Cause your pride won' t let the words escape
Tears falling from SHE's eyes
Salt staining your heart, wrenching your being
Feet firm, chest high, your pride keeping your internal turmoil company
Like a near death moment, scenes of you & SHE flash before your mind's eye
It's not done yet, but you're doing it
Threshold... SHE's almost through it
"No don't go".... & SHE's walk would be ruined
Mind Reader...SHE is not
All the feelings you are harboring inside, you need be treating SHE to a buffet of them
But you continue to mime it
Fighting yourself from outside in
To keep hands from reaching out
To keep words from blurting out
To keep legs from walking en route
....To make SHE about face
Pride the anchor holding body parts in place
So again...
& Now your internal tragedy SHE is through with
Pride telling you let that reality be
Unhindered by SHE's steps & where it has led SHE
& left you
....You think you are
Off your heart SHE's salty showers lifted
Your eyes now the ones they push through
Back into your life you want SHE
If a kind word was all that was needed
To be the catalyst for that
You would neglect that opportunity,
Not wanting to see your pride lonely
Pride earnestly willing to keep you & your tears for SHE company

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its amazing yet heart breaking what pride will move us as human beings to do. stop us from asking for what we truely want and taking what we truely need. Your honesty is woven into a beautiful tapestry.
